After reading a book every bit a class or individually, it is bully if students can have a step further and engage with the book more. This will help them with their reading comprehension and agreement of deeper concepts within the book.

After-reading activities are also great for substitute or casual teachers. Many hours of learning can be provided past using a great book and giving students choices in the activities.

Below you will detect 30 teacher resource activities to utilize in the classroom.

30 After Reading Activities for Kids

ane.Observe a description in the book and write it equally the shape information technology is describing, e.g. if the clarification is of a butterfly then write the description so the words create a butterfly – similar Shape Poetry .

two.Blueprint a new comprehend for the book .

iii.Imagine you are inside the book. What graphic symbol would you be and why? How would you change the story if you were one of the characters?

4.Take a look at the problem in the book. Recall of some other solution to the problem .

5.Employ new words from the book and make a memory game. Play with a partner .

6.Detect out what other books the author has written. Read reviews about them on the internet and make up one's mind which one you would like to read next and why .

vii.Make a notice-a-give-and-take using tricky words from the book. Swap with a friend to do the activity. You will need graph paper.

8.Describe how the story made you feel. Tin you chronicle to the characters? Did it make you happy/sad ?

ix.Photocopy a page from the text. Highlight all the verbs.

10.Use new words from the book and sort them into one, ii, 3, 4 and five syllable words .

11.Photocopy a page from the text. Highlight all the adjectives .

12.Imagine one of the characters is your all-time friend. Write most your friendship.

xiii.Accept 2 characters from the book. In pairs, students have on the personality of one of the characters. Create a text chat betwixt the characters. Present to grade and discuss how students thought the characters would act.

14.Create a comic strip of 1 scene from the book.

xv.Photocopy an image from the book. Glue it to a slice of fine art paper and expand the picture show with your ideas .

16.Photocopy a page from the text. Highlight all the nouns .

17.Write a book review – explain the book briefly and write nearly whether or not it was a good book and if you would recommend it to others to read. Why?

18.Find new words in the volume and create a mind map. Include the discussion meaning, write upwards some antonyms, synonyms, etymology and a sentence using the word.

xix.Write up all the similes you can find in the book. Illustrate ane of them.

20.Cull a graphic symbol from the book. Create a mind map to described all his/her/its characteristics

21.Pigment or draw a picture show or scene from the book .

22.Retell the story in your own words .

23.Ship an email to the writer asking a question almost the book you have completed.

24.Locate and tape any onomatopoeia you can find in the book. Think of some yourself that would suit the story .

25.Write a new catastrophe to the book. How would you like it to end ?

26.Sketch what you think one of the characters from the book looks like . Compare with others in the course.

27.Create a slideshow of the main ideas of the book – a summary .

28.Summarise a factual text using a mind map .

29.Create a social media account of a character from a volume. What would information technology await like? What would they put in it?

30.In groups, act out a scene from the book. Film it on the iPad to play back to the class.