How Could Having a Baby at 15 Impact Your Future

Bilingual Babe: How to Teach Your Infant Two Languages

This past year, my married man and I welcomed a new addition to our family. While we were pending his inflow, nosotros discussed whether or not we'd raise him to be a bilingual infant and speak multiple languages. For this commodity, I'll call the little guy our "Lilliputian Linguist".

Commencement things first: Is it beneficial to raise a child with multiple languages? There are arguments on both sides of the argue. All the same, co-ordinate to the majority of scientific studies, pedagogy your child ii languages is beneficial. The benefits of being a bilingual kid include:

  • The ability to communicate with extended family unit
  • Open-mindedness and acceptance
  • Future chore opportunities
  • Being a "language friendly learner". They'll find it easier to acquire more languages after on in life.
  • A more diverse cultural upbringing (with literature, films, perspectives, music, games, civilization, and and so on.)
  • An increased ability to focus
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Delayed onset of Alzheimer'south disease in comparison to monolinguals

Are there any reasons non to accept a bilingual baby? The greatest argument against introducing multiple languages at a immature historic period seems to be that teaching a kid more than one language will misfile them or cause delays in their learning. Just recent research is proving this wrong.

Growing upwards, I oftentimes heard my father lament the fact that his father had never taught him and his brothers Croatian (his native language). This had huge affect on me – and is i of the reasons I'one thousand now learning Croatian.

Later hearing my father's story, I swore to myself that I never wanted my children to feel the way my father felt. I never wanted them to feel that I had shorted them in some way by not sharing my languages and cultural heritage. If later on on in life they choose not to learn several languages, then that's their conclusion to make. But the least I tin practice is offer them the languages I speak.

Here's How to Teach Your Infant Two Languages (or more!)

When it comes to successfully bringing upwardly a bilingual baby, there's no one size fits all arroyo. It'southward all about finding what works best for your situation and your kid.

There are four methods for raising bilingual kids that seem to exist the well-nigh widespread, so nosotros'll focus on them and how they can support your child's bilingual development.

One Person One Language (OPOL)

The I Person, One Linguistic communication method is where each parent consistently speaks a different language to the child. This could mean that the mother speaks her native Portuguese with her children, while her partner speaks to them in English.

This method is also constructive when the ii languages used by the parents are dissimilar to the chief linguistic communication used outside the habitation. In other words, it'due south withal okay fifty-fifty if neither parents' language is the bulk language where the family lives. In the instance I used, with a Portuguese speaking female parent and an English speaking partner, the family could live in Japan, and thus, the child would learn a third language through school.

The One Person, One Language approach is often regarded equally the best method for teaching a child two languages because it is believed that it results in less mixing. Information technology too ensures that your baby has regular exposure to both languages.

That said, it requires a lot of dedication from the parents to avoid mixing languages.

Minority Language at Dwelling (ML@H)

While children need support in every language they speak, many parents find that a minority linguistic communication needs actress support. When this is the case, many families adopt the Minority Language at Home approach.

This means that the minority language is used at domicile by both parents with the children.

For example, both parents speak French at home (whether it is the native linguistic communication of both parents or non) while living in Germany (where the child learns to speak German outside of the dwelling house).

Fourth dimension and Place (T&P)

The Time and Place method is commonly used in bilingual schools. This could hateful that during the morning, anybody speaks one language and in the afternoons everyone speaks another language. Alternatively, it could mean that Tuesdays and Thursdays are for the majority language, while Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are spent with the local minority linguistic communication.

Families tin can adjust this arroyo equally information technology suits them, and it could even hateful a seasonal approach. Peradventure the majority language is used most of the time, while the minority language is used over the weekends or during summer to coincide with a family vacation to the country where the language is spoken.

Mixed Language Policy (MLP)

With the Mixed Language Policy, parents use the language that is appropriate to the situation. For example, the majority language may exist used to help with school projects while the minority linguistic communication may be used to talk over personal topics.

Pedagogy a Kid Iii or More Languages

All the methods I've shared then far tin can be used to teach two or more than languages. There's ane more than method for families interested in going beyond bilingualism and educational activity their children more than two languages.

2 Parents, Ii Languages (2P2L)

The Two Parents, Two Languages approach is for parents who are bilingual themselves. This may mean, for example, that the mother speaks to her kid in English language and German while the father speaks to the children in Mandarin and Cantonese.

Combining Methods for Pedagogy Bilingualism to Children

Each of the methods I've outlined can be combined with ane another depending on what is nearly appropriate for the state of affairs.

Regardless of which method you cull, your child will demand as much consistent input and back up as possible in each language.

If you need aid getting started, we put together a few resources to help support your child'due south linguistic communication learning:

  • Spanish resources for kids
  • French resources for kids

Our Arroyo to Bringing Upward a Bilingual Baby

At home, my husband and I already talk to one some other in both French and English language. With a babe in the house, it has just become a affair of mixing the two less often.

Exterior our habitation, my family speaks English while my husband's only speaks French. As such, the decision to teach Little Linguist both French and English was easy. For him to be able to communicate with his family, he'd demand to know both.

Nonetheless, we decided we wanted to do more to give him every leg up, so nosotros made the decision to speak to him in Mandarin Chinese, likewise.

We are currently using the OPOL method, where my husband speaks to him in French and I speak to him in Chinese. Since we live in the US, we aren't too worried about his English for at present. We're likewise certain he'll pick it upward from my parents and later on in school.

Of class, as fourth dimension goes by, we'll probably demand to accommodate our methods based on what language support Footling Linguist needs as he gets older. I'm sure our strategies volition constantly evolve equally he grows.

What well-nigh you? Have y'all decided to teach your infant two languages or more? What methods are you using to support their language development?

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Shannon Kennedy

Language Encourager, Fluent in Months

Shannon is Head Passenger vehicle for the Fluent in three Months Challenge. She is currently based in Southern California where she performs as a professional musician. Her passions are cooking, reading, traveling and sharing her adventures in language learning.

Speaks: English, French, Mandarin, Russian, Croatian, Japanese

View all posts by Shannon Kennedy


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